City College
Television Instructor

COMPANY:   City College in Ft. Lauderdale from Aug 1999 – June 2004 (est.)

Classes taught at City College: Intro to Television, Television 1, and Television 2.

Rose provided essential training in all areas of television production: scripting, lighting, camera, audio, and control room operation

City College

Introduction to Television

Students learn to operate basic camera, lighting and audio recording equipment for both video and film media in the studio and location.

Television I

This class was designed to enhance the understanding of television production. The students learned about the non-linear editing, cinematography, sound and set design, and how these components work together to develop stories and characters.

Television II

Students were required to create an 8 minute production using the techniques that they learned in Intro to TV and Television I: Write, direct, produce, and edit the final product.